FAQ & Contact

Yes, all our jerseys are authentic. We do not sell fake jerseys or replicas. Each vintage jersey is carefully verified by our team before being listed on our website. For jerseys produced after the 2000s, they come with an authenticity tag featuring a serial number, which we showcase in the product photos.

We commit to shipping your order within 24 hours of purchase (business days). Once dispatched, delivery generally takes between 1 and 2 working days in Switzerland. For Europe and the rest of the world, between 5 and 10 working days. You will receive an automatic email with a tracking number to monitor your parcel.

We offer refunds or exchanges within 14 days of receiving your purchase, subject to certain conditions. Returned items must be unworn, unwashed, and in the same condition as when shipped.

You have 14 days from receipt of your order to contact us by e-mail at contact@eternalpitch.com or by using the contact form at the top of the page, and we will be happy to help you with the returns procedure.

Yes, we have a dedicated WhatsApp channel for purchasing jerseys. Simply send us a photo, size, and condition of your jerseys to +41 79 569 39 81, and we'll get back to you promptly.

In the unlikely event that your parcel is lost or damaged during transit, please visit your nearest post office to report the situation. Unfortunately, we cannot be held responsible for transport-related issues.

Refunds can be issued via the original payment method or as store credit for future use on our website. If you opt for store credit, we'll include the standard shipping cost so you can enjoy free delivery on your next purchase.

International returns are the responsibility of the buyer. We recommend using a tracked shipping service, as we cannot be held liable for unreceived return parcels.

Jerseys should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Washing instructions vary depending on the product, but we generally recommend cold washing and air drying. Avoid using fabric softener, ironing, tumble drying, or mixing colors to prevent damage.

If you currently have a question, the answer is likely found here. If not, please contact us